Friday, January 2, 2009

I stole this.

So, I just got home from work. It seems weird to get ready for bed at 8:15 am.

It wasn't too bad though, except for the dude that kept bitching about every little sound he heard. Dude, their are other people here. Calm the fuck down. Seriously, it is a hotel, asshat. the ones that kill me are the ones who say "Don't put anyone in any rooms anywhere near me." I always want to say "Fine....if you want to pay for all those other rooms as well."

But enough bitching.

On to what I stole, because I am lacking sleep, and therefore not feeling creative.

1. When did you last use your cellular telephone as a flashlight?
Um, I do that pretty much all the time.

2. On a scale from 1-10, how comfy are you being naked?
Um, it depends on who is going to see! I would be much happier if I lost some chub...I am working on it.

3. What is the longest you've ever been celibate after having lost your virginity?
One year. It sucked. I am not one of those "I have a headache" girls. AT ALL.

4. Have you ever had sex in a car? If yes, since you were a teenager?
Yes, and yes. Seatbelts hurt. Wait, I don't know about a car....truck and SUV, yes.

5. When did you last use food or drink as medication?

Bonus: Name three words that:
a) get you excited: "take tomorrow off" lol
b) make you squirm: p*ssy, and "box" and "eat" when used in a sexual context. GAG
c) make you laugh: "I'll pay tomorrow". (Riiiiiight, you will pay now, or stay somewhere else, fucknut.)


Blogger zipbagofbones said...

What an dink. I hate hotel complainers and I don't even work in one. God, we always get in trouble for being too noisy. Seriously people, don't you see what we're offering you? it's like hotel tv porn without the room charge!

January 2, 2009 at 9:49 AM  

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