Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm baackkkk

Didn't I just post?

Oh yeah. I was extra bitchy.

Anyway, I am at work right now, still frustrated, and reading blogs.

Including who tagged everyone who read her blog. So, why not.



Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to email or blog 26 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. If I tagged you (and if you are reading this consider yourself tagged) it's because I want to know more about you

1. I am single and FINE WITH IT. I would rather be single than in a shitty relationship. Sadly, from what I have seen I don't think that is common.

2. If I ever do meet someone I want to marry, I do not want a big wedding, or maybe any at all. I think it is completely ridiculous to spend that kind of money on a wedding, and can think of much better ways to spend that kind of dough.From what I have seen, this too is uncommon.

3. I have some weird eating habits. For example, i really like bagels with cream cheese and salami. Don't eat them that often, but love them. My employees think I am nuts.

4. I do not like fresh tomatoes, but I do like ketchup, tomato soup, tomato sauce, V8, etc. I am very picky about pasta sauce though....I like PLAIN. Don't put a lot of stuff in it.

5. When my sister and I were younger we used to put ranch dressing on cottage cheese. I still really like this, even though I don't eat it too often. I have only seen one other person do this, but he didn't use ranch....I can't remember what kind it was, french maybe? What is the orangish creamy one? (Ick that sounds nasty, lol). That man was one of my favorite people ever, and I miss him terribly. (He died suddenly a few years ago.) My sister and I also used to put ketchup on chicken...I don't do that anymore!

6. I don't like vegetables very much. Mushrooms, beans, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, all that shiz is grossss. And don't put mushrooms or onions on pizza, even if you pick those off, the flavor is still there.

7. When I was a kid I loved Anne Murray. I listened to one of her records every night when I went to bed. I can remember calling my mom to come "flip the record over". I still know the words to most of her songs. It is weird how that happens. After her, i got into Reba and George Strait, and still love them both immensely.

8. I don't only listen to country though. I saw the Rolling Stones and David Bowie live, and someday want to see Clapton, because DUH. He is awesome.

9. I also love Willie Nelson. STFU if you think that makes me lame. I saw him, Merle Haggard, and Ray Price in 2007 and LOVED IT.

10. I don't get it when people need everyone they have ever met in their lives in the delivery room with them. Or their father. Or their father-in-law. Hey, whatever floats your boat, but NO. Then again, this may not ever be an issue because I am not sure I want kids.

11. I am obsessed with the lyrics to songs and who wrote them. I don't really know how to explain this one further, but it is for this reason that I love Rodney Crowell and Phil Vassar. Plus, my friend met Phil Vassar and said he smelled awesome. GRRRRRRR.

12. I love a good smelling dude neck. And uniforms (think law enforcement, not Burger King) and suits. Swoooooooon. And older dudes.

13. I don't understand why anyone would wear Patchouli.

14. I do wear makeup, but I hardly ever wear blush. I am 30 years old and still don't think I apply it correctly.

15. I think I have ADD. I am not making light of this, but I have to really force myself to stay on task. I think this is why I am really disorganized and why I haven't organized my apartment yet, even though I have lived there since August. Well, that could be partly due to my fucked up work schedule too.

16. I love the color red. One of my employees commented on this one day because I had on a red coat, with my red laptop in a red laptop bag, a red purse, and another red bag. I used to have a red cellphone too. I miss it because the one I have now sucks and I am not eligible to upgrade until September.

17. I am not impressed by Brad Pitt. I have crushes on Craig Ferguson and Gary Sinise. And I kind of think Anthony LaPaglia is a babe. And George Strait. And Mark Valley.

18. I never went to the prom, and don't regret it. I went to Myrtle Beach instead. In fact, I wasn't involved much at all in high school. A lot of my classmates were assholes. I am so glad that we didn't have myspace or facebook then because people suck. I still don't care for a lot of the people I went to school with.

19. Back to food: I do not like eggs. Grosssss. I was in the hospital overnight when I was 5, and filled out their food questionnaire flibbity. They brought me eggs anyway, and I freaked out.

20. I am and always have been kind of a girly wimp. In first grade, the teacher had everyone touch a snake. Except me, I flat out refused. Grossss. I don't think I could live somewhere where they are prevalent. if I ever find on inside, i am fucked unless someone else is around because I am not going near it. I also haven't touched a frog, and when I used to go fishing when I was a kid, I never wanted to touch the fish or the worm. I cannot eat venison. Spiders don't bother too much though. I am much more of an indoor girl.

21. I am a spelling and grammar snob. It pisses me off when someone writes women when they mean one woman, and when they write breath when they mean breathe. I hate that u/Ur nonsense and rarely use it, even for text messages. I also HaT3 iT wH3n sHeEpLe tYpE lIkE tHiS.

22. I have never donated blood, and I feel bad about this, but it makes me really squeamish.

23. I really wanted to go to college in Australia and will probably always regret that I couldn't do it.

24. I really wish that I had stood up for myself more in high school and kicked some ass. A lot of people deserved it, but I was too afraid of getting in trouble. If I ever have kids, I will tell them to stand up for themselves.

25. I am often very easily amused, and could spend hours on youtube.

26. I am 5'11 and no, I didn't play basketball.






Blogger rachael chatoor said...

I am listening to Anne Murray right now, I have to do a set of her songs at the end of the week. I always loved her voice!

Craig Ferguson is awesome, agree with you there.

I didn't go to prom either, I really didn't fit in well at high school, I spent most of my high school years skipping out and going to the stables.

I am not very girly, I love the outdoors and trying daring sports. I have to be going to work to put make up on. :)

Great list! Glad you played. :)

January 26, 2009 at 6:23 PM  
Blogger chesneygirl said...


#3: ME TOO!!!!! I am not even kidding I used to eat that all the time ...I'd forgotten all about it. Now I'm craving one!

#5 that is disgusting ...just sayin

#6 I like onions and mushrooms but after that I nothing else... cauliflower, beans, peas, broccoli, cooked carrots... YUUUUCK!!!

#9 I'm not going to poke fun because I love Kenny Rogers. I saw him in concert in '03. He rocks! :P

#10 THANK YOU!!! I have NEVER understood why people do this! ABSOLUTELY NOT! My husband was the ONLY person in the room with me, we didn't even have any family or friends in the hospital at all until the morning after my son was born.

#14 I hardly ever wore blush either and I'm a make-up whore but recently I got conned into buying some new blush when I was buying some other make-up and I've been wearing it lately and I kinda like it. I guess I just needed to learn how to apply it right.

#16 I'm the exact same way with the color pink! :)

#17 Brad Pitt does absolutely NOTHING for me. Ugh.

#21 ME TOO!!

#22 ME TOOOOOO!!!!!

#29 I am 5'0" and I didn't play basketball either.

February 3, 2009 at 6:25 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

OKAY dudes,

I have no effin clue what is up with all the numbers at the bottom....weird.

February 3, 2009 at 9:19 AM  

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