Sunday, November 30, 2008


I am so bad at titles, so I am going to call this one, just "Title"

So, Dell still fucking sucks. They have their fucking laptop back AND my money. They told me it could take 8-10 days to get a refund, their website says up to 30.


They have the POS and my money?? How is that cool? AND WHY THE FUCK DOES IT TAKE SO LONG FOR A FUCKING REFUND?

Some business they are running there. WTF. Think about it. They want people to buy their computers right? So speed up the fucking process! Especially since these problems were NOT MY FAULT. I paid them money, they sent me a fucking laptop that doesn't work!!


In other news, I would like to bitch a bit about my job, but I am afraid to. I have known people who have gotten in trouble for that.

So, I will bitch about my apartment. I live in a basement apartment. In an expensive area. I do not have copious amounts of dinero to spend on an apartment, so that was basically the only option. I am so not the roommate type. Trust me.

For the good parts, the apartment is pretty new. The landlord is a lady who lives upstairs with her two kids. I really like her and her kids, and hardly hear them.

The problem is...this place smells FUNKY. I did not notice anything when I looked at the apartment, and I did not notice anything when I moved in. But shortly thereafter I did. I thought it smelled like cat piss at first. Lovely. Then I couldn't really identify it, and it has been annoying me.

Well, I just got home from working almost 12 hours. It has been raining all damn day. I get home, open the door to my apartment, and smell: cat pee. GROSS. I come downstairs, yup, cat pee.

Is that triggered by a lot of rain? WTF? Moving sucks complete and total ass, and I cannot afford to move, but I cannot live like this either. ICK.

I am fucking tired. Guess I will go to bed.


Blogger chesneygirl said...


I'm sorry, hun... I wish I could give ya some advice but... I'm at a loss...

Hope you can figure something out and FAST!

December 1, 2008 at 12:20 PM  
Blogger Caste Away U.S.A. said...

I had a basement apartment when I lived in Salt Lake City. I liked it but, then again, it didn't smell like cat piss. Does this woman have a ton of cats?

December 1, 2008 at 8:33 PM  

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