Saturday, April 4, 2009

Broken Record


Being laid off really doesn't provide much in the way of blog material!

I have been in Pennsylvania for the last week visiting my bestest friend, which has been great. I fucking miss her and wish we lived closer to each other.

I am going back to Long Island tomorrow to start the packing process. UGH, I am so not good at that, in fact I SUCK at moving. What a process. So, that also means that I have to figure out WHERE I should go. I have decided that I really do NOT want to move back to where I grew up. It is an awesome place to visit, but the area is really pretty depressed, and besides, there is way too much of that small town mentality. That was one thing I loved about Long Island...anonymity.

So, what to do.

I really don't think I want to work in hotels anymore. I have done that for 11 years and think I have had enough, plus I am really not into management, especially at the assistant level. Or maybe I should say at the assistant level with a slacker manager. But I don't need to bitch about my job anymore.

One thing I am considering is going back to college for a bachelor's degree in another field. My mom is very nervous about me having more school loans, but I don't really know what other options I have. Hotels are NOT hiring right now. To be honest, I was so happy to be done with school, but I also feel like I should take this opportunity.

I may edit this later, but strawberry daiquiris are calling my name.