Friday, October 31, 2008

This. sucks.

My laptop is dead.

I was using it today and it just suddenly shut off. No power whatsoever.

This sucks ass.

I have a desktop, but haven't used it in probably a year. And I have wireless only at my new apartment.

And I of course don't have the money to buy a new one.

I am gonna fast to save money for one though!

You think I am kidding?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Can has Woppar?








You should really know what that means, because I use it a lot, and I don't want you to get confused and think I am referring to one of these:

Old Wombat Pictures, Images and Photos

(Don't say I didn't learn anything in college!!)
So, I am watching the news.

And I see why I don't watch it much.

They are talking about the news anchor who was beaten to death in her bed, and a 29 year old Long Island woman who was killed by her husband (who then tried to cover it up, playing the grieving husband) last weekend.

Basically they are saying that this is a "War on Women". The whole thing pissed me off because it makes it sound like there aren't any men being killed. Obviously, all of these stories are HORRIBLE, but this is not a new thing. I don't mean to sound callous, but think of all the people who have been killed by their spouses.

This is not a crime against women issue, I see it as a crime against people issue. (I hope that doesn't sound stupid, I am not feeling too eloquent at the moment.) Maybe I am wrong, maybe it does happen a lot more against women, but listening to this panel talk about it, it just rubbed me the wrong way.

They also commented how Jennifer Hudson has kept the the man who killed her family members as a myspace friend. They are using that example to show that women go for men who are no good.

WTF? First of all, he wasn't HER boyfriend. Second of all, she just lost her mother, her brother, and her nephew. Maybe myspace isn't her first priority?? WHAT THE FUCK?

OK, I ranted, and I will stop now. I will be back later if I can think of how better to word this.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

CMT Giants

George Strait will be among several Country Music Stars that will be on hand to honor Alan Jackson during the taping of the special 'CMT GIANTS'. The show will be recorded before a 'Live' sold out audience at the Ryman Auditorim in Nasvhille on October 30th.
George Strait will perform two numbers for the show, including Jackson's signature hit 'Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning'. He will also sing a duet with Jackson on the song 'Country Boy'
The show is expected to premier on CMT on Saturday, December 6th at 8pm Central Time.

That is awesome, I love AJ, and the Reba Giants show was great, but they NEED to give George Strait his own Giants show! That would be awesome.

Get on it CMT!


I love this video.....AND GEORGE STRAIT! <3

PLEASE tour again soon George?

Now if only I could find a video of "Designated Drinker"....

Oh well, this one is good too.....

And I am NOT a fan of Hank Jr, but I love this song..

Monday, October 27, 2008

This blog sucks ass.

So, basically I am doing a really good job at being a fucking slacker today.

I moved into my apartment in August. That, for those of you who are mathematically challenged, was nearly 3 months ago. And I am STILL not unpacked. My apartment looks like a bomb hit.

My last apartment was realllly small. I couldn't wait to actually have room again. So, now I have an actual bedroom and an actual living room, and no motivation to PUT SHIT AWAY. Seriously. WTF? I had today off and haven't done shit! Well, unless you count spending way too much time on the interet, etc.

Hey, I was on youtube. It's an addiction.

So, basically, my apartment sucks because it is so damn messy. My blog kind of sucks, but maybe that is because it is new, and I have some kind of writers block. I read all these other blogs, and well, they kick my blog's ass. HARD.

But I guess if I bitch here I won't be kicking the shit out of living room furniture in a frenzied rage. (That is a story for another time.)

And now, Eddie Izzard will explain, perfectly, why I was never a band geek:


I can't watch this video enough. I have seen Willie live, but it must have been amaaaazing to see them all together.

and this one....Waylon is (was...RIP) effin awesome.

(if you watch the earlier video of him singing this song, he looks EFFED. UP.)

And this one, because DUH.

Nassau Coliseum. FucCCCCCKKKKk, to have seen these dudes live. JEALOUS. It is kinda weird to think of those dudes there, so close to where I live now! (You stalkers don't need to know how close! =] ha ha. )

There are more videos on youtube. Seriously, check. them. OUT.

I have so much respect for people who can play like these dudes. I probably should have taken some kind of lessons, because I love to watch the instrumentals. I will post another video at some point that perfectly explains why I never took lessons, lol.

Edit: Had to add this one, for my Dad......LOL.


Norah Jones - Johnny Cash Tribute

Just watch.

She is awesome.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I probably need help...

but this shit cracks me up!


So, I work at a hotel. A limited service hotel. That means no restaurant. That also means that you are paying less than you would at a full service hotel, so do ya think you could STFU about the free breakfast?


(WOMBAT: Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time!)

I just know that these are the same asshats who would bitch, moan, and complain if the rates went up to accommodate their desire for "hot eggs and meat".

Because think about it. Not only would we have to install cooking facilities, but those food items cost money, we would need more employees, etc. etc.

These people also bitch that we don't have conditioner. When I stay at hotels, I bring my own shampoo and conditioner because isn't it well known that hotel shampoo kind of sucks? At least at limited service hotels? Granted at some of the higher end places they probably have better quality stuff, but we don't.

These are the same people who say "That's not what I paid last year". Try that at a gas station, or most any other business for that reason. Why is it okay to haggle at hotels? I don't have time to teach you economics, supply and demand, and all the other shiz that you should know by now.

Corporate customers are the worst. I wish I could say "You mean to tell me your company hasn't raised its rates in the last year?"


Since I can't think of anything else to write about...

I saw this on another blog, and since I have had "blogger's block", I figured I would do it.

Not that anyone reads anyway.....

At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leave a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?

I was living in my first apartment, working at the BW. I had just started at that job and kind of hated it. I thought the manager was a complete prick. But I stuck it out, and now I love that guy (not like that, ya pervs!) and I am working in another hotel. So, I guess things happen for a reason. Oh yeah, and I was dating my first bf. But that is a whole 'nother post.

2. What are 5 things on my to-do list today?

Well, it is Sunday, so not much.

1. I have to go get my car from the hotel (had a few Jack & Cokes last night, so I didn't drive home.
2. I will probably watch "Things We Lost in The Fire"
3. I really should do some shiz around my apartment. (That counts as way more than one thing though, believe me.)
4. Need to find my iPod. (That counts as a whole haven't seen my apartment!)
5. Again, it's Sunday. Leave me alone.

3. Snacks I enjoy:
Milk Duds, but they make my jaw hurt sometimes, lol.
Panera Bread Asiago Cheese Bagels with Sundried Tomato Cream Cheese (wait, I guess that is a meal...)
Macadamia Nuts

(that is all i can think of right now.....)

4. Places I’ve lived: Adirondacks (you stalkers don't need to know more than that, lol), Plattsburgh, NY, Long Island, NY

5. Things I’d do if I were a billionaire, in no particular order:
Pay off my bills,
buy a Corvette, a Cadillac, a Chevy Avalanche, a Plymouth Prowler, some kind of older convertible, and pay some dude to maintain all my cars,
buy a house and someone to maintain that,
buy another house on the lake near where I grew up, and someone to take care of it. I am a billionaire, I don't need the hassle.
change my phone number so wombats can't come out of the woodwork looking for a goddamn handout. (I will be generous, I am not that coldhearted, but you better be deserving!)
Give this dude I work with a whole pile of money. Medical bills suck ass. (He is deserving....he has worked his whole life, and continues to even though he is older and is not looking for or expecting a handout. )
Share the wealth with family members and friends, the non-wombats anyway.

And whatever else I felt like doing.

6. People I want to know more about:

Lots of people. That is why the internet is my friend and time sucker.

For the most part, if I want to know more about someone, I look them up, it's not that hard.

I would also like to know more about my ancestors. I am not really a history buff except when it comes to family.

see more cute dogs and puppies

Thursday, October 16, 2008



I am annoyed. (Shocking, I KNOW.)

I am so effin sick to death of these fucking celebrities foaming at the mouth and yammering non-stop about politics.

Guess what? I don't give a flying fuck what Hayden Panawhateverthefuckher name or these other fucking stupid people think about the election. DO NOT CARE. They do not influence my vote, and I wish they would STFU already. In fact, they may influence me in the other direction!


You should watch this video though: (Did I mention I love him?)

Fucking dumb shit Eva Longoria asked him last night who he was going to vote for and he wouldn't answer. I wish more celebs would follow his example. And that Eva Longoria would disappear forever.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

If you don't vote, you're a moron...

Okay, I admit it.

I kind of sort of have a mad crush on Craig Ferguson. If you don't know who he is, or even if you do, you should watch this:

I think he is such a sexy bastard. I want to climb him like a tree. (sorry Mom! ha ha).

He is funny, he wears suits, and that accent...GRRRRR.

Hello? Is this thing on?

Not sure if anyone will read this shiz, but I have been wanting to get back into blogging for awhile, and I finally just decided to start fresh.

A lot has changed since I last posted.

(For those who don't know, this is actually my third blog, and I am always entertained when I go back and read shiz I posted a while ago. This blog may suck, but that's your problem.)

I finally graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in May, and then shortly after got a job and moved 7-8 hours away. I can't just go home (to where I grew up) on a whim, which is kind of weird. =]
Plus I am working kind of a weird schedule, and work has been kind of stressful due to staff changes, etc. BUT I know that it is bound to get better, so I am just trying to get through it.

THAT is one reason I am going to try and write more. So, yeah, I may be ranty from time to time. However, I am not a complete dumbass so I will have to be careful about how I go about doing that.

I am on a roll though....rambling already in my first post!

So, I am going to do a survey:

60 Questions People Dont Ask Survey
When's the last time you ran? - HA HA HA HA HA
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? - One pair does
What are you dreading right now? - not really dreading anything, really nervous about my boss having to have chemo though.
Do you celebrate 420? - No
Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? - Probably not
If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would ya'll do? - watch bad tv
Who last grabbed your ass? - it's been awhile!
Have you ever been on your school's track team? - HA HA HA HA HA
Do you own a pair of Converse? - No
Did you copy and paste this survey? - No
Do you eat raw cookie dough? - YES
Have you ever kicked a vending machine? - Yes
Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over? - Yes
Do you watch Trading Spaces? - I have, but it's been awhile
How do you eat oreos? - I stick them in my mouth and chew. How else would you eat them?Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? - I have stayed online for a very long time, but I wasn't waiting for anyone
Are you cocky? - I don't think so
Could you live without a computer? - I could, but it would suck. Then again, I would probably be more productive, at least in my personal life!
Do you wear your shoes in the house? - Sometimes
Who or what sleeps with you? - Just me
At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real? - idk
How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house? - I only use my cellphone but I do have some others around
What do you do when you're sad? - sleep
Who would you call first if you won the lottery? - prob My parents
Last time you saw your best friend? - too long ago
Are you in high school? - NO.
What jewelry are you wearing? - Two rings, two earrings
Is anyone on your bad side now? - not really
What's the first thing you do when you get online? - check email
Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? - No
How do most people spell your name? - the right way
Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes? - sure
Where do you work? - in the hospitality industry
What are you doing tomorrow? - idk
Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson? - who cares
Favorite name for a girl? - I don't really have one
Favorite name for a boy? - Jack
Will you keep your last name when you get married? - Possibly...I have thought about it
When was the last time you left your house? - a few hours ago
Do you return your cart? - Usually
Do you have a dishwasher? - No
What noise do you hear? - The last Presidential debate
Would you survive in prison? - ya got me
Who is the youngest in your family? - in my immediate family, my sister
If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likey overpack? - ME.
Do you know anyone with the same name as you? - Duh
What's the last thing you purchased? - nail polish
Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you? - not usually
What brand are your pants right now? - J Crew
Ever been to Georgia (the state)? - nope
What irritates you most on the internet? - MUAH! and bad spelling
What brand is your digital camera? - Kodak
Do you watch movies with your parents? - I have
What song best describes your life right now? - Is there a song called "Paying My Dues"?
Do you own expensive perfume/cologne? - define expensive
Are you taking college classes right now? - nope, and it feels kind of weird!
Do you like sushi? - Never had it, probably never will
Do you get your hair cut every month? - not even close
Do you go online everyday? - yes
Will you pass this survey on to 5 people? - No