Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Today. 5.26.09

Today was a very good day.

My sister had her first baby at 4:15 this morning. He is the first grandchild for all 4 grandparents, so it is very exciting.

I am 31 years old, and when I was younger I always expected that I would have children by now. Then as I got older, I wasn't sure I was the parent type and people have always said "It is different when it is your own." I am still not sure that I will ever have my own, but believe me, I get it now. I cannot put into words how much I love this little person. I am so proud of my sister and her husband. Her husband is proof that there are still a few good ones left.

I just left the hospital and I can't wait to go back to see him tomorrow.

Oh, and today is my Mom's birthday, and oddly enough his due date is (was) my dad's birthday, June 5th. I am pretty sure that this is the best birthday present either of them have ever had.

Happy Birthday, Little Man.

I love you.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

So. Yeah,

Sorry for the lack of posting, but I am still unemployed and don't get out much!

Eh, it is what it is. To be honest, I haven't minded it. I am weird that way. There are just no decent jobs to be had, plus we are still waiting for my sister's baby, and I want to be able to get away to see him when he arrives.

My dad has one brother, who has two sons, and both of their significant others are expecting as well. I told my mom today that I will not be making it 4 for 4. I guess I am the black sheep. My mother is one of 9, and my black-sheepishness, while still evident, is not as obvious. :)

There is one post I am trying to write, but maybe my brain is not challenged enough with this lack of working/having no real day to day responsibilities, blah blah fuckity blah.

Today I really have the urge to delete myspace, facebook, and this blog but I know I won't.

So, no news here.

I have been entertaining myself on You Tube though. Lots of people share my sentiment that Twilight fucking sucks and is an insult to literature.

Anyway, here is another useless post for ya.

Ciao for now.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

heh heh heh


I FUCKING HATE TWILIGHT. I do not hide the fact that I loathe and despise this trash.

Seriously, my hatred knows no bounds. I have lots of friends and even a sister who do like it, but they will never change my mind.

And I LOVE this video. It is un-PC, so don't say I didn't warn you. It seriously cracked me up, but I have been feeling kind of mean today. Besides, she started it. Heh.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I took these pics awhile ago and I love them. (Edit: I had to add the one at the top.....because it was taken at the same beach, probably 20 years before!) These are all taken at a beach near where I grew up. One of them (the trees and beach one) was on the Adirondack Life magazine website for quite a while, but I can't find it anymore because their redesign kind of stinks.

Anyway, I keep thinking I need to get my camera out and I haven't done it, so I thought I would at least post these. Maybe it will motivate me! ;)

Saturday, May 9, 2009



Check this shiz out:

Um, Okay

I don't think this woman realizes that it is not necessary to create a new blog each time you want to create a new post.


EDIT: OK, so apparently this is old, but still.....WTF?

Friday, May 8, 2009



I am in SUCH a bitchy mood.

I have a headache, AGAIN.

And I hate my former employer.


There will most likely be details lately, because, why not?

UGH. I HATE FEELING THIS WAY. Things are better now, why do I care?????

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Insert clever title here.


I have been in my new apartment for a week tomorrow. And I? LOVE this place. Srsly.

There are 40 apartments in this building (I only know that because I had to ask for tenant insurance purposes) and I NEVER hear anyone. It is crazy. I rarely see anyone either. I went downstairs a little while ago to check the mail and to actually get outside for a few minutes, and other than a few people outside I saw no one. Which is kind of nice, especially because I saw this weird black dude freaking the fuck out the day I moved in. It was very weird.

So, yeah.

I still have lots to unpack because I have been a fucking SLACKER. Big time. I had this paper to write for one of my classes and I didn't want to do it, so I procrastinated like a mofo, and because I knew I had to write this paper, I didn't do shit around my apartment. That makes sense, right?

But I seriously love it. The kitchen is all brand new, with a new REAL stove, none of those teeny apartment size bastards, and a fan, YAY for my apartment not smelling like meat everytime I cook! Plus it has a dishwasher, which seems crazy, but awesome too. AND three closets. THREE. I am in heaven. Especially because none of them reek like cat piss. And WINDOWS. (Basement apartments kind of suck, unless you are a vampire, but I don't want to talk about vampires because of that stupid bitch Stephenie Meyer.)

AND a real shower. I am 6 feet tall, and it is impossible to properly shave legs in a stall shower.

So, yeah, I dig this apartment mucho.

Ask me again when winter hits. Then I may miss the non-winters of Long Island, but I think the pros outweigh the cons big time.

Oh, but I do have to bitch about one thing. POLLEN. I have had a headache pretty much daily since I moved in. UGH. I can not get rid of it. So, that sucks, but hopefully the rain we are expecting this weekend will help.

In other news, I am still unemployed, but to be honest I haven't really been looking to hard. I guess I should get on that.

So, yeah. Kind of boring, but at least I am posting something.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Hey dudes.

Is this thing on?


Still unemployed.

No longer a Long Islander.

I moved on April 30th. Bid Long Island fucking adieu. I am very happy to put that whole situation behind me. Moving sucked a whole lot less this time. My parents kick ass though. Seriously, I could NOT have done it without them, they are the best. So, now I am about 3 1/2 hours away from where I grew up, instead of 7. (My parents and my sister and her husband still live there.) This came at a very good time because my sister is due to have her first baby on June 5th, which is also my Dad's birthday. YAY. When I was still working, blahfuckityblah, that was one thing I was worried about. I want my nephew to KNOW me, not just see me very occasionally. So this is good.

Plus my new apartment is awesome, so I am very excited about that.

So, I just wanted to give a quick update. I won't wait a month to post again!

Really. I promise.
