Monday, March 23, 2009

Not really an update

Hey yos.

Not much new on the job/moving front. Basically, I still have no job, and therefore I am still moving. I definitely think change is good, but I am a bit nervous about moving back to where my parents live.

Obviously being closer to my sister when she has her baby will be awesome, and closer to my parents, etc. but there is just nothing there. Seriously, they have no department stores and their grocery stores SUCK. Not that it is all about shopping, duh, but believe me, I have been spoiled here. I like options. And then there is the whole small town, everyone thinks they know everything about everyone else mentality. Oh well, I think things happen for a reason.

(Sorry if I keep repeating myself, but these are the things that are on my mind.)

In other news, my sleep schedule is totally screwed up. It is not uncommon for me to stay up until 7 am and then sleep all day! I should probably work on that, or I might turn into a vampire or some shit. Wait, NO. That bitch Stephenie Meyer ruined Vampires. TWILIGHT SUCKS.


Have any of you seen the news about the Seeing Eye HORSE? WTF, and um, NO.

This woman is legally blind and rides the horse 6 miles to a Target in Fort Worth. Is it just me or is there a LOT wrong with this? First, the horse was abused, and I am sure that she is training it A LOT. But Hello? A horse could seriously hurt someone, and what if it got spooked? What if someone else freaked out? Think about it, you are casually walking around Target and you come around the corner and see A HORSE. Plus, lets face it, people are assholes and will probably try and fuck with it in some way. I am sorry, but I think this is just crazy. AND if they allow horses, what's next, a fucking HUGE snake? UGH. I would lose my shit in that case.

So, I guess that is all the news that is fit to print at this juncture.

Talk to me peeps!

Monday, March 16, 2009



I haven't posted much lately.

Still unemployed, so I guess there isn't much to say.

I was sick last week...had this cold mess and really just felt like shiz all week and didn't do much. I finally feel better, just wish I could get rid of this last bit of annoying.

So, not much as far as job prospects go, which sucks because I do NOT want to move, but at this point, I am thinking that may be inevitable. Ugh. I am not just looking for jobs around here either, but there is just nothing. It really kind of sucks. I am not looking forward to moving, it is always such a huge undertaking. UGH.

So, guess I am not too exciting. That is where things are at right now.

Keep your fingers crossed that something will work out!

Friday, March 6, 2009

facebook rant


So, my friend changed her status to "Watching the South Park movie" or something close to that.

So, we started posting quotes back and forth. UNcle Fuckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. LOL

And one of her friends got all fucking bent because apparently "kids read her facebook".


Seriously, give me a fucking break.

Like kids never swear or say dirty words.

I can't say anything there, so I figured I would rant here....

Dealing with it.


The job situation. I am over it, basically. That job was a clusterfuck from day one. It was shocking, of course, but the more I think about it, I realize that this is going to be a good thing. Okay, I hope it will. I don't seem to have the best luck.

However. Moving is stressing me out. I hate moving, and was hoping to not have to do it for awhile! But it is what it is, and I have 3 weeks to get it done. Of course, I don't have anywhere to move TO, but whatever. Hopefully something will work out. There is just no possible way I can afford to stay on Long Island. It was too expensive WITH a job.

So, long day today. It will take me about 7 hours to get back there. That is way too much time to think about shit. Guess I gotta face it though...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009



I have had good intentions as far as posting, went and saw Coraline, LOVED IT, job still sucked, etc.

Then today, I got laid off. And the part that stresses me out the most? I have to move, because I can't afford my apartment.

So, my new motto is gonna be SIMPLIFY.

Because moving sucks.

So, I am getting rid of shit. All of it.....fucking get it out of here.


I don't even know what to do.

But that job sucked.