Sunday, November 30, 2008


I am so bad at titles, so I am going to call this one, just "Title"

So, Dell still fucking sucks. They have their fucking laptop back AND my money. They told me it could take 8-10 days to get a refund, their website says up to 30.


They have the POS and my money?? How is that cool? AND WHY THE FUCK DOES IT TAKE SO LONG FOR A FUCKING REFUND?

Some business they are running there. WTF. Think about it. They want people to buy their computers right? So speed up the fucking process! Especially since these problems were NOT MY FAULT. I paid them money, they sent me a fucking laptop that doesn't work!!


In other news, I would like to bitch a bit about my job, but I am afraid to. I have known people who have gotten in trouble for that.

So, I will bitch about my apartment. I live in a basement apartment. In an expensive area. I do not have copious amounts of dinero to spend on an apartment, so that was basically the only option. I am so not the roommate type. Trust me.

For the good parts, the apartment is pretty new. The landlord is a lady who lives upstairs with her two kids. I really like her and her kids, and hardly hear them.

The problem is...this place smells FUNKY. I did not notice anything when I looked at the apartment, and I did not notice anything when I moved in. But shortly thereafter I did. I thought it smelled like cat piss at first. Lovely. Then I couldn't really identify it, and it has been annoying me.

Well, I just got home from working almost 12 hours. It has been raining all damn day. I get home, open the door to my apartment, and smell: cat pee. GROSS. I come downstairs, yup, cat pee.

Is that triggered by a lot of rain? WTF? Moving sucks complete and total ass, and I cannot afford to move, but I cannot live like this either. ICK.

I am fucking tired. Guess I will go to bed.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Wal Mart worker trampled to death on Black Friday

I can NOT put into words how much this pisses me off. WTF? It is disgusting that people could fucking trample a human being to get a fucking "bargain". They broke the fucking doors. Could the management not SEE that the crowd was a bit crazy? WTF? I am guessing that no one will pay for this man's death and that things will not change. How the fuck could you just knock someone down and walk right over him?

Next year, on Black Friday, these fucking retailers will open early, and let the same behavior happen again. I am sure that Wal Mart will get blamed for this, and while they are certainly at fault for even opening the doors to a crowd like that, other retailers are just as guilty, but hopefully their employees were a bit more lucky.

This is just fucking senseless.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

OMFG, This totally made my day....

I HATE the Thanksgiving Day Parade(I know, I am fucking weird)....but I so wish I had watched it!



Monday, November 24, 2008

Look at me with the not posting.

So, yeah.

Still don't really have anything to say, but I am getting kind of a weird migraine, and rather than get away from the computer like a smart person, I thought I would post something.

Work has been crazy busy, so that hasn't changed. Busy is good, except for when I can't seem to get my own work done.

I am not sure how the whole basement apartment thing is working for me. I really like my apartment, but I think it is killing me. My allergies are acting up, my sinuses are bothering me, and I have been having nosebleeds. I am lovely.

I am still having that whole conundrum with the dehumidifier. Do I run it or not? I don't know. It sucks, because I like everything else about that apartment. But now I have this headache and just want to go to sleep, but I am afraid that my apartment may be causing the problems.

Blah blah blah...too bad they don't give awards for incessant rambling.

I still really hate Dell. I had to call them multiple times just to get them to send me a shipping label. Incompetent bastards. I will never ever buy a Dell again.

I am, however, loving iTunes. Their customer service kicks ass. Seriously. If I had the money, I may consider buying a Mac. I was afraid that I had lost a buttload of songs, and they told me how to get them all back. That kicks ass.

This year will be the first year that I won't be home for Thanksgiving. I just decided that battling the crazy traffic just wasn't worth it. I just have too much going on. I am sure it will be weird, because my mom has a really big family and they all get together for dinner. I have to work a few hours, and then nothing. No plans. At all. Weird.

OkaY, since I am not being very coherent, I am gonna close this post.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ugh, I don't know wtf my deal is today. I just feel totally and completely BUMMED.

As much as I am still frustrated with the Dell fiasco, hey life goes on. It's not that, even though I am fucking annoyed at how long I have to wait for a refund from those idiots.


Work has been fucking annoying lately, for many reasons. Not really sure that I want to be all bitchy about work on this here blog though.

I don't know. I have just been in a major funk all damn day. It was my day off and I didn't do a damn thing. Ugh, I hate feeling like this. I haven't even left my apartment today.

Ugh, idk.

This sucks.

Happy? Me? At least I got an award.


I had barely started this "artistic garbage" when I got an award!!! Woo hoo.


I have been meaning to post this for awhile, but I am kind of hating computers right about now.


is one of my new favoritest blogs. So, how fantabulous is it that Cat bestowed this honor upon me? I think she said that my blog is "artistic garbage" and maybe I should be offended by that, but she said it about herself and besides, I think we may be long lost sisters or cousins or some shiz.

Anyway, I found her blog because I followed a link to someone who commented on my blog, and I guess her link was on his, and I got all fucking confused and thought she was the one who commented. Or something like that. (I still wonder how that dude found my very new blog though....)

So, I guess this means that I have to list 6 things that make me happy. Which lately may not be so easy. I have been a bit disgruntled lately. But I will try.

1. I am going to be an aunt soon. DUDES. Fucking sweet.
2. I have my health. My boss recently found out she has breast cancer, at 42 years old. That fucking sucks. I have only known her since June, but believe me, she kicks ass. Lets just hope she kicks cancer's ass.
3. My family. They are healthy. They are always there for me. My parents helped with the moving process and we all know moving sucks. They let me vent. I need to vent, especially lately. My extended family kind of kicks ass too. I am very lucky.
4. The internet makes me happy. Is that sad? It does though. I think this may relate to the fact that I was a voracious reader when I was a kid. I was always reading. Always. Could be why I spend so much time online. Now if I could just get a computer that works...
5. Days off with absolutely no plans...especially if I get more than one in a row.
6. Funny shiz. Craig Ferguson. The dude at work who kept talking like Christopher Walken last night. and all the related sites. youtube, (and not just for funny shiz), I think you get my point.

I think I am supposed to award some other peeps, but no one reads this here blog, so I am gonna skip that part. Besides, I am in a mood today, so don't fuck with me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So, today fucking sucked.

But this shit is making me laugh, so I thought I would share:


Sorry, embed isn't working.....typical for this day.

I will update in a bit. It is 9:20 pm and I have been at work since 11:00 am.

I need a drink. Or six.

(EDIT: see below for update...)

The day that was full of FAIL.

This is me today:

Tantrum Pictures, Images and Photos


What. The. FUCK.

I got my new computer today.

The fucking thing does not work.

Right out of the fucking box. Doesn't not work. Blue screen of death.


So, I call tech support. They want me to get a screwdriver and take the fucking thing apart. Like I haven't played computer tech girl enough lately. (more on that later...). I am at work, and can't find a goddamn screwdriver. So, I tell the guy that I should not have to take a computer apart that hasn't been out of the box much more than 15 minutes. So, he says I can talk to a manager. Which I did. At one point they said I could send it back and they would repair it.

Um, NO.


Yeah. Long story short, they will send me a new one. If I pay for it and wait to get a refund on the one that doesn't fucking work. Then the fucking bastard has the nerve to say "Well, if you can't afford it you will just have to wait for the refund."

Red Forman Pictures, Images and Photos

Fucking douchebag punk motherfucker. Seriously, FUCK HIM.

So, no new laptop for me. And I ended up working 12 hours today, so yeah, I am really cheerful right about now.

The only good thing about tonight was that the guy I was working with kept talking like Christopher Walken all night. Totally entertaining.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Yes, I am posting again already.


First, I fugging LOVE this song:

I bought the Sugarland CD last week so I would have something new to listen to in the car on a long ass ride home. I swear that I listened to that song for about an hour straight. I love it. Does anyone else do that? I do that all the time. When I am by myself...I wouldn't subject anyone else to the same song over and over, LOL.

OH, and because I love finding out about songwriters, etc., this one, by the writer....this is the acoustic version, because, well...because acoustic versions kick ass.

I have so many thoughts I want to get out right now....but I hesitate.....

I have a conundrum...

and be prepared, it's a DOOZY.

Rolling Eyes Pictures, Images and Photos

I haven't had my "hair did" since May. That is 7 MONTHS people! I need to do something about that.

I can't decide what I should do. Bangs? or No Bangs?

The thing is, I have what my cousin used to call a five-head. And I have to admit I stress about it. I constantly wonder if I look like a fucking goon with no bangs and a high forehead. I have always had bangs. Until I didn't get a hair cut for 7 months!

And people, let me tell you, it is much easier. I don't have to fuck around with a round brush and all that bullshit, fighting this stupid cowlick, etc. But, did I mention I have a five head? And I am worried about getting all wrinkly too. Shallow, I know.

So, this is my conundrum. So that means it is pic time!!!




I fucking hate it when they look like this:


OR.....No bangs....

This really accentuates the five-head:



Or should I just go for a really big fro?



~Does the press make a big fucking deal when some celebrity announces that they are gay?

who. cares.

Just once I want to see them freak out and say "So-and-so is STRAIGHT, OH EM GEE".

Fuck whoever you want, makes no difference to me.

~Do they keep referring to the pregnant man as

Not. a. man.

Wait. I think I should call this "Why do they keep talking about the pregnant man? Lady bits that can create a baby? You are not a man. As I said above, live your life how you want. I don't care. It makes no difference to me that this person has both man parts and lady parts. BUT I AM SICK OF HEARING ABOUT IT AND I AM SORRY BUT THAT PERSON CREEPS ME OUT. It is hard for two men to adopt a baby if they want too, but yet this shit is okay. I don't get it. Please don't flame me, maybe the pregnant man is a good parent, but stop being such an attention whore. How is that healthy for his children?" WTF.

~Is Kanye West still famous? That guy is such a douche.

This is way too long.

Does the last person you kissed hate you?

Is your hair up?

Do you still talk to the person who hurt you the most?
Nope. This is kind of a hard question to answer though, because, well, it's complicated. I will leave it at that.

Do you think you are an argumentative person?
Can be!

Is your phone right beside you? is dying...think I left my charger at work.

Who was the last person to grab your butt?


Will this Saturday be a good one?

I have to work t0o many hours, but if the clusterfuck of the past two weekends isn't repeated, I will survive. Fucking Verizon. I will kick their non-repairing asses if it happens again.

Have you ever had a difficult relationship?

yeah, kinda sorta, but I don't feel like going there right now. It is over and done with.

Ever gone skinny dipping?


What is your biggest pet peeve?
Entitlement whores. And people who spell names in stupid ways. And stupid names. And people who don't listen.

Have you ever hugged someone named Madison?
No, but I know someone named Madison.

When was the last time something bothered you?

Who was your last text from?


What was the last movie you watched?
idk. Things We Lost in The Fire?

Where are you?

In my living room

Have you ever stayed in a hotel?
Yes, from May 19th - August 1st was my longest stay

How did you feel when you woke up this morning?

What’s your favorite color?

Do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend?

It is not mandatory, but if I met the right person...sure.

When was the last time you shot a dirty look at someone?

Probably is still early today

What’s in your pocket?

When is your birthday?
April 28

Where did you buy the shirt(s) you’re wearing now?
shirt from TJMaxx, sweater from JCPenney

What color are your eyes?

Are you a forgiving person?

I can be, it just depends on what the person did that warrants forgiving.

Ever kissed someone who smokes?

Ugh; yes.

When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?

Did anything weird happen in the past 3 days?
I don't think so.

What are you listening to?
the hum of my computer.

Your mom tells you she’s pregnant, what do you say?

me too. (She started it, and one is about as likely as the other right now!)

Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?


Who lives in your house?
Me, and my landlord and her two daughters live upstairs

Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time?

What are you doing?

This, duh.

Are you on medication for anything?


Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?

Last female you talked to in person?
a real conversation? the girl I worked with last night

Do you like your life?
meh. It's okay, it could be much worse

Kissed someone that had a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Yes, sorry!!

What state do you live in?


Has anyone told you they’re completely in love with you?
completely? huh?

How many kids do you want to have?
depends on if I meet the right person...

How are you feeling?

What were you doing at midnight last night?
in bed thinking about too much shiz

When was the last time you were surprised?
Um, idk.


How did you get one of your scars?
stuck my finger in a tape player when I was little

How are you feeling?
FINE. ask me something else! Sheeesh.

How did you celebrate your last birthday?
I should so get a do-over. I spent my 30th bday at an interview for a job I didn't get, and then sat on a goddamn plane in Charlotte, North Carolina for over two hours, then got stuck in LaGuardia, then had to get on a plane that Ron White would call a pack of gum with 8 people.

How did your night go last night?
I was at work and it was kind of annoying.

How is your relationship status?

How did you get the shirt you’re wearing?
I already said – I bought it at TJMaxx.

How often do you see your best friend?
rarely. it sucks.

How much money did you spend last month?

$6. (Seriously, how the fuck do I know?)

How old do you want to be when you get married?
Age is the least important part of that equation.

How old will you be at your next birthday?


Your mothers name?

What did you do last Wednesday?
stuff and things

What is the most important part of your life?

What would you rather be doing?

What did you last cry over?
prob just being frustrated

What always makes you feel better when you’re upset?
depends on what kind of upset.

What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other?
idk. I don't think there is just one important thing.

What are you worried about?
Paying my bills like always

What did you have for breakfast?
Orange Juice and a big ass Frappuchino


Have you ever had your heartbroken?

Have you ever been out of the country?
just to Canada

Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
Oh yes.

Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?
oh yes.

Have you ever had sex on the beach?
Yes. =]

Have you ever dated someone younger than you?

Have you ever dated someone older than you?

Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
Many times


Who was the last person you saw?
People at work

Who was the last person you kissed?

Who was the last person you hung out with?
just people at work

Who was the last person to call you?

Who did you last hug?

Who is the last person you texted?

Who was the last person you said “I love you” to?
my dad


Where does your best friend live?

Where did you last go?
to the grocery store

Where did you last hang out?
At home

Where do you go to school?
I don’t

Where is your favorite place to be?

Where did you sleep last night?
at work. (I work at a hotel)


Do you want something right now?
Money, so I can stop worrying about it. And a laptop, because it still sucks that mine died

Do you think anyone likes you?


Do you ever wish you were someone else?

Do you know the muffin man?

Does the future scare you?


Why did you get a MySpace?
because my friend told me I should

Why did your parents give you the name you have?
My Dad's grandmother was named Jennie

Why are you doing this survey?
something to do

Why did your last relationship end?

I couldn't take his corny jokes anymore, and I couldn't see it going anywhere


If you could have one super power what would it be?
To grow money trees, just big enough so I could pay my bills

If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?
I don't dwell on that shiz

If you were stranded on a deserted island & could bring 1 thing what would you bring?
Laptop, if I can have internet access and power! ha ha


Would you ever shave your head for a million dollars?

Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love?


Are you happy with your life right now?
meh......but I see more questions below....liar


Where​ is the boy/girl you want most?
where I can't have him

Where​ will you be 3 hours​ from now?
Probably here

How old is the last person you kissed?

Where​ do you want to be?
at the moment, Right here.

Who was the last person of the opposite sex to text you?

Can you make yours​elf sneeze?

What is your current mood?

What are you doing ​tomorrow?

Who was the last person to sleep ​in your bed besides yours​elf?

Do you think​ you would​ make a good boyfriend / girlfriend?

Where​ were you at 9am this morning?
at the grocery store?

Whose​ bedroom were you in last?

Why do you feel the way you feel?
because I am fine?

Who was the last person you yelled at?
Probably my boss. long story.

What are you listening to right​ now?
the hum of my computer. pay attention

How has the week been?
the weekend kind of sucked. Fuck Verizon.

Is there​ something you wish you could​ tell someone but can’​​​​t?

Who’​​​​d you last kiss?
I already answered this, scroll back up.

Do you sleep​ with the TV on?


Are you too forgiving?

Where​ are your parents right​ now?
Mom is probably at work, Dad is at home, working

Who do you miss?
lots of people

What was the last thing​ you put in your mouth​?


Are you single?
Yes (sigh)

If you could​ have any car, what would​ it be?
Chevy Avalanche would be pretty sweet. Or a Cadillac

What are you stressed out about​?

How many windows are open on your computer?
One window, three tabs

In the past week have you gotten sick?

In the past week have you gotten a hair cut?
I haven't had my hair cut since May! Need to work on that

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm back online.....sorta.

So, I am posting from home.

My laptop is still dead. I took it to BestBuy and the dude there said it is likely the motherboard. I could pay to have a true diagnosis, but he said that I am probably better off just buying a new one, and I agree.

So, I am posting from my desktop, which I haven't used in a while, and it is kind of a pain in the ass. My landlord lets me use her wireless so I bought a Wireless adapter flibbity, and it works....somewhat.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that Black Friday will present some good deals of the online variety, because I am not going to fight some unwashed, toothless wonder to save a couple hundred bucks. No thanks. I have rage, remember? It is best for me to stay away from the public on Black Friday.

In the meantime, I am way behind on blogs, etc. The only place I have had internet access is at work, and I have to be careful, obviously.

How is work, you ask? Don't ask. That is a rant for another day.

I will close with the following, which I stole from another blog:

1. Have you ever had a moving violation? An auto accident? That was your fault?

I have had a speeding ticket and a ticket for "failure to yield to a pedestrian", which was total bullshit and I would kick that cops ass if given the chance. Lying bastard. I have been in one auto accident, 13 years ago, that was luckily a minor one, and no, it was not my fault.

2. Have you ever voted? How old was your were you the first time you voted?

I have voted in every presidential election since 1996, and some others. I was 18 the first time.

3. Are you glad this election cycle is over?

OMFG YES. The only other thing I will say about it is that I am not sure I would have been happy either way.

4. Do you have guilty pleasure? What is it (or are they)? My laptop definitely was. It sucks so bad not having one. That and Diet Pepsi Max. And Coach bags.

5. What is the most embarrassing thing you have done recently?

I honestly can't think of anything really recently. I probably just jinxed myself.

***Bonus: How much impact has the Wall Street and general economic wilt had on you?

I don't know that Wall Street has had much of an impact, but economically I am kind of fucked. I am making more than I ever have, but am living in a pretty expensive area. Not sure what I am gonna do about that....

For weekly TMI Tuesday questions, click here.

Gotta get back to watching the country music awards. I was very happy that my all time fave George Strait won the first award, and probably would have turned the tv off had Kenny Chesney won. (I like him, but come on.)

Monday, November 3, 2008

This still sucks


Still no laptop.

I read all kinds of shiz online (stayed late at work!) and took the damn thing apart....with no luck.

Someone told me that he thinks I just need a new AC Adaptor, which would be sweet, but I am not too hopeful. I am going to try though!! Just waiting to get it in the mail.

In the meantime, though, I do not have as much time to be on this shiz. Gotta be careful at work and all that jazz.

Tomorrow should be interesting....I can't wait until this election is OVER.

OH. and can anyone tell me WTF happened to yahoo mail?? SO. ANNOYING.