Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wake up calls, or more shit I just don't understand.


We had a guest last night who didn't get his wake-up call.

He freaked out, saying he had an important business meeting, blah fuckity blah.

Now, please understand, we fucked up. I get that.



I just don't get it.

First, I am NOT a morning person. BUT, my brain is so fantastical that if I have something going on early in the morning, 9 times out of 10 I wake up before the alarm.

Second, hotel rooms also have alarm clocks.

Third, this is 2009. You probably have a cell phone and it probably has an alarm.

I just don't get it. Please understand, I am not saying that the hotel isn't at fault. The alarm should have been set. But what about power outages? What about equipment failures.

Come on people, it is time to take some responsibility.

That is all, carry on.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm baackkkk

Didn't I just post?

Oh yeah. I was extra bitchy.

Anyway, I am at work right now, still frustrated, and reading blogs.

Including http://rachaelpachel.blogspot.com/ who tagged everyone who read her blog. So, why not.



Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to email or blog 26 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. If I tagged you (and if you are reading this consider yourself tagged) it's because I want to know more about you

1. I am single and FINE WITH IT. I would rather be single than in a shitty relationship. Sadly, from what I have seen I don't think that is common.

2. If I ever do meet someone I want to marry, I do not want a big wedding, or maybe any at all. I think it is completely ridiculous to spend that kind of money on a wedding, and can think of much better ways to spend that kind of dough.From what I have seen, this too is uncommon.

3. I have some weird eating habits. For example, i really like bagels with cream cheese and salami. Don't eat them that often, but love them. My employees think I am nuts.

4. I do not like fresh tomatoes, but I do like ketchup, tomato soup, tomato sauce, V8, etc. I am very picky about pasta sauce though....I like PLAIN. Don't put a lot of stuff in it.

5. When my sister and I were younger we used to put ranch dressing on cottage cheese. I still really like this, even though I don't eat it too often. I have only seen one other person do this, but he didn't use ranch....I can't remember what kind it was, french maybe? What is the orangish creamy one? (Ick that sounds nasty, lol). That man was one of my favorite people ever, and I miss him terribly. (He died suddenly a few years ago.) My sister and I also used to put ketchup on chicken...I don't do that anymore!

6. I don't like vegetables very much. Mushrooms, beans, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, all that shiz is grossss. And don't put mushrooms or onions on pizza, even if you pick those off, the flavor is still there.

7. When I was a kid I loved Anne Murray. I listened to one of her records every night when I went to bed. I can remember calling my mom to come "flip the record over". I still know the words to most of her songs. It is weird how that happens. After her, i got into Reba and George Strait, and still love them both immensely.

8. I don't only listen to country though. I saw the Rolling Stones and David Bowie live, and someday want to see Clapton, because DUH. He is awesome.

9. I also love Willie Nelson. STFU if you think that makes me lame. I saw him, Merle Haggard, and Ray Price in 2007 and LOVED IT.

10. I don't get it when people need everyone they have ever met in their lives in the delivery room with them. Or their father. Or their father-in-law. Hey, whatever floats your boat, but NO. Then again, this may not ever be an issue because I am not sure I want kids.

11. I am obsessed with the lyrics to songs and who wrote them. I don't really know how to explain this one further, but it is for this reason that I love Rodney Crowell and Phil Vassar. Plus, my friend met Phil Vassar and said he smelled awesome. GRRRRRRR.

12. I love a good smelling dude neck. And uniforms (think law enforcement, not Burger King) and suits. Swoooooooon. And older dudes.

13. I don't understand why anyone would wear Patchouli.

14. I do wear makeup, but I hardly ever wear blush. I am 30 years old and still don't think I apply it correctly.

15. I think I have ADD. I am not making light of this, but I have to really force myself to stay on task. I think this is why I am really disorganized and why I haven't organized my apartment yet, even though I have lived there since August. Well, that could be partly due to my fucked up work schedule too.

16. I love the color red. One of my employees commented on this one day because I had on a red coat, with my red laptop in a red laptop bag, a red purse, and another red bag. I used to have a red cellphone too. I miss it because the one I have now sucks and I am not eligible to upgrade until September.

17. I am not impressed by Brad Pitt. I have crushes on Craig Ferguson and Gary Sinise. And I kind of think Anthony LaPaglia is a babe. And George Strait. And Mark Valley.

18. I never went to the prom, and don't regret it. I went to Myrtle Beach instead. In fact, I wasn't involved much at all in high school. A lot of my classmates were assholes. I am so glad that we didn't have myspace or facebook then because people suck. I still don't care for a lot of the people I went to school with.

19. Back to food: I do not like eggs. Grosssss. I was in the hospital overnight when I was 5, and filled out their food questionnaire flibbity. They brought me eggs anyway, and I freaked out.

20. I am and always have been kind of a girly wimp. In first grade, the teacher had everyone touch a snake. Except me, I flat out refused. Grossss. I don't think I could live somewhere where they are prevalent. if I ever find on inside, i am fucked unless someone else is around because I am not going near it. I also haven't touched a frog, and when I used to go fishing when I was a kid, I never wanted to touch the fish or the worm. I cannot eat venison. Spiders don't bother too much though. I am much more of an indoor girl.

21. I am a spelling and grammar snob. It pisses me off when someone writes women when they mean one woman, and when they write breath when they mean breathe. I hate that u/Ur nonsense and rarely use it, even for text messages. I also HaT3 iT wH3n sHeEpLe tYpE lIkE tHiS.

22. I have never donated blood, and I feel bad about this, but it makes me really squeamish.

23. I really wanted to go to college in Australia and will probably always regret that I couldn't do it.

24. I really wish that I had stood up for myself more in high school and kicked some ass. A lot of people deserved it, but I was too afraid of getting in trouble. If I ever have kids, I will tell them to stand up for themselves.

25. I am often very easily amused, and could spend hours on youtube.

26. I am 5'11 and no, I didn't play basketball.





I Hate Everything.

Okay, maybe not everything. I love the song "I Hate Everything".

But I am really REALLY frustrated today.

I am thinking about deleting this blog and myspace. I will probably keep facebook because my cousin who is in Iraq is on there, and it is a good way to keep in touch with him.

But beyond that, fuck everything.

I am so sick of stupid incompetence and sheer laziness at my job. I am so over it.

There is ONE employee who I have no complaints about, and I think it is because she is my bitching partner in crime. Without her, I probably would have killed or at least maimed someone by now. Seriously.

OK, there are a few others, but for the most part, call me fucking frustrated.

I want to blog, really I do. But all I seem to have to say involves constant bitching. Who wants to read that? Maybe I should resurrect some posts from my old blog, or maybe I should just delete the whole fucking thing.

Gotta go get ready for work. Hopefully I won't kill anyone.

EDIT: OMG, I do NOT hate this....lol....

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Caution: Extreme bitchiness ahead.


I need to vent.

Tantrum Pictures, Images and Photos

If you don't want to read it, don't.

Anyway, I work at a hotel. You probably already know that.

Here are a series of things that are pissing me off.

1. People who don't LISTEN.

When you call my hotel, there is an automated dude who says "Thank you for calling Jennelou's big ass fucking flibbity hotel, blah blah blah, press 6 for the operator. I can not tell you how many people immediately ask "Is this Jennelou's big ass fucking flibbity hotel?

I so want to transfer these people back to the main message and make them listen again. Sadly, it won't work because they will just call back and ask the same fucking thing. Also, please note that you have to press 6 for the operator, 0 does not work. So, these fucking dumbasses have to listen to the whole goddamn message, and still they don't get it.

2. People who ask for a quiet room. Please understand, I don't mind if you ask not to be near the ice machines or elevators. I get it. But a "quiet room"? As opposed to what, a noisy room? People, let me explain something to you. A hotel will never be as quiet as your house. Fucking get over it or stay home. Then there are the asshats who ask to be "away from everyone else". I would be happy to do that, if you want to pay for all the rooms around you. Otherwise, fuck you.

Which brings me to my next point. If the people near you are fucking obnoxious, let us know. We will take care of it. If you don't let us know, don't expect to whine and complain and get a discount in the morning. I want you to enjoy your stay, really. But if there is a problem and you don't let me know I can't fix it. Whining about it in the morning kind of makes you look like an entitlement whore.

3. People who say "Are the rooms nice". Think about this. I am an employee of the hotel. Even if the place was a fucking shithole, do you think I am going to tell you that?

4. If you don't like our rates, stay somewhere else. Don't ask me how nice the other hotels are in the area, what their rates are, etc. If you want to know, CALL THEM. I don't work for them. DUH.

5. Do your research. Don't bitch at me because we don't have a restaurant. I never said we did, our website doesn't say we do. We are LIMITED SERVICE. If you want full service, go to a full service hotel and expect to pay more. And shut the fuck up.

6. Our shuttle van is not your personal taxi. Call us when you are ready to be picked up, don't expect us to sit and wait for you for 20 minutes. You are not special and we have other guests. If we bring you to the drugstore, get in, get your shit, and get your ass back outside. Again, we have other guests who might like to go somewhere. Call a cab if you want someone to wait for you.

7. Yes, our shuttle van is clearly marked, dumbass. I am busy. It is not necessary to ask me 56 questions about the make, model, gas mileage, and extensive history of our van. It is clearly marked, you can't miss it. Believe me.

8. I am sorry that the computers in the business center are fucked up again. If you pervs would stop looking at porn and other inappropriate sites they probably wouldn't constantly have viruses and spyware. Fucking duh.

9. When I ask what credit card you would like to guarantee your room with, YES I NEED THE NUMBER. WTF.

10. Yes I need you a form of payment at check-in. No, you may not just pay at checkout. If I need to explain why, you fail at life. No, you may not use someone else's card without written authorization. Just because they called and made the reservation does not mean I don't need something in writing. Identity theft is rampant. It is for your own safety. Shut up.

My employees are friggin dumb to, but I will save that for another time.

I feel better now.

Red Forman Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, January 16, 2009



I really want to post....but my thoughts are kind of all over the place.

Work has been so frustrating, so there's that.

I can't seem to kick this sinus headache, so there's that.

Both of this things result in a complete and total lack of motivation, so there's that.

A bullet was dodged yesterday, though.

But I can't really explain that one without a whole lot of backstory, which, yeah. Headache, lack of motivation, frustration with my job that I don't care to get into on my day off.


In other news, I have been looking into going back to school, because even though I just got my degree, I am so second guessing it, because my job has kind of sucked my will to live. But, that is not going to happen without some kind of student aid, and I have no idea wtf the limit is on that shiz. So, I guess that remains to be seen. I have been accepted though...this would be a second bachelors degree, in a field that is totally unrelated to my current one.

hmmm. idk.

Question for anyone who may be reading...why do you think it is that certain people who are totally wrong for us take up residence in our brains...and how do we make them go away?

I am gonna go and try to do something.....or maybe take a nap. Naps=awesome.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Follow me, damnit.

Okay, Cat.

You can be a follower now. I am addressing that to you because I think you are the only one who reads this drivel.

So, thanks yo.

It is 4:20 am and I am at work...story of my life larely. hopefully after tonight i won't have to work this shift again for a while. Since I am trying to stay awake, I thought I would post something...

So, here goes.

Ten people I can't stand, in no particular order

1. Hillary Clinton
2. Eva Longoria
3. Paris Hilton
4. Richard Simmons
5. Barbra Streisand
6. Kanye West
7. Miley Cyrus
8. Gwyneth Paltrow
9. Britney Spears. UGH.
10. Carson Daly. That guy is a total fucking tool.

Seven things that make me a dork, because I can't think of ten, which is odd because I am an uber dork:

1. I love Beavis and Butthead
2. I love ALF
3. I am entertained in general, by stupid shit. For example, Rick Astley and the whole "Rick Roll" craze, and Christopher Walken. Also, my employee's impression of Chris Walken.
4. This whole post
5. This whole blog
6. I am almost 31 years old and still don't feel like an adult. WTF? Is that dorky, or just odd?
7. I keep posting here even though no one reads this shiz.

Ten cars I fucking hate, in no particular order.

1. Kia Rondo. Giant heap of shit.
2. Dodge Neon.
3. Mini Cooper
4. Smart Cars
5. Most hatchbacks. Especially the really little bastards. Like the new Pontiac G3. Yuck
6. Mini Vans. Why do so many women think they need one the minute they have a tiny baby?
7. Hummer. pretentious assholes.
8. Scions.
9. Honda Element
10. Subaru Forrester. What a goofy looking vehicle. Just no.

Ten Cars I love/like, in no particular order...

1. Chevy Avalanche
2. Corvettes
3. Plymouth Prowler
4. Vintage Convertibles in general. Probably not so much the little ones though..
5. Cadillac Cars, but not the DTS or the Station Wagon. I am not 75. And I would buy a Chevy before an Escalade.
6. Chevy Silverado.
7. Honda Accord
8. Chevy Impala
9. Pontiac G8
10. The new Chevy Malibu

Ten Foods I will not eat.

1. Eggs. Ugh.
2. Venison. Um, No.
3. Cauliflower. Grossssss.
4. Cabbage. Blech.
5. Coconut
6. Most, if not all seafood.
7. The nads of any animal. Hellllll no.
8. Sushi.
9. Brains, tripe, haggis, any of that gross shiz...
10. Most green veggies. No green beans, no peas, no broccoli, NO.

Okay, that killed 20 minutes...

Friday, January 9, 2009



I have very important emails to send and shit and it is not cooperating.


I hot reply, because Cat and i have very serious shit to discuss, and IT WONT LET ME FUCKING REPLY.

Half the time I can't even check my goddamn inbox.

Mario wtf Pictures, Images and Photos

I am really fucking frustrated right now because I am working my ass off working stupid hours because this dumbass called in via text (who the fuck does that?) and I worked the overnight last night and now I am back here and I am not happy and my boss gets to work 4 hour shifts while I work 12 or more, so yeah. THAT.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

All about 2008....I stole this

So, I usually do these on myspace, but I don't wanna. So, deal. Seriously, people have too much time on their hands with all the memes I find on myspace. I use my extremely fucked up work schedule as an excuse. WTF else am I going to do between 11 pm and 7 am?

1. Where did you begin 2008?
In the frozen tundra on the Canadian border, where I used to live. I think I was home sleeping because I am pretty sure I had to work at 7 am on the 1st.

2. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?
Got my bachelor's degree, moved more about 400 miles hour from home, got a so-called real job.

3. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My New Year's resolution was to give up soda, and I did for a few months. I have resolved to lose weight and get my finances in order, under control for 2009. I am working on the finances thing, doing so-so on the weight loss. Oh, and I have resolved to change my fucked up situation at work....if I don't do that, someone will get hurt!

4. Were you in school anytime this year?
Yes, up until May.

5. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes, my cousin's wife.

6. Any new additions to your family?
See above!

7. Did anyone close to you die?
No, thank god.

8. Did you know anybody who got married?
Yes, and I will be very surprised if it lasts....

9. What countries did you visit?

10. How did you earn your money?
school loans and work. Although I guess school loans doesn't constitute "earn"

11. Where did most of your money go?

12. Did you have any encounters with the police?
I got a speeding ticket, and have dealt with them at my job. Oh, and my sister's husband became a trooper.

13. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
I would like to have my finances under control a bit better, and I would like to be allowed to do my fucking job. (don't get me started....)

14. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Probably my birthday. It was my 30th, and I still think I deserve a do-over.

15. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Graduating from college and getting a real job?

16. What was your biggest failure?
My finances.

17. Did you suffer illness or injury?

18. Where did you go on holidays/vacation?
HA HA HA HA....vacation, that's funny! I did go home for Christmas though.

19. What was the best thing you bought?
My new laptop. I was lost without one. I really couldn't afford it, but so worth it.

20. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Mine, because no blood was shed in the last few months.

21. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Twilight Freaks. It boggles my mind that so many educated people are into that drivel. Again, don't get me started.

22. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
My sister is having her first baby in 2009!!

23. Did you move anywhere?
Yes, I did. I now live 7 hours from my hometown. This has good points and bad points. I just wish that my parents lived somewhere that I could easily fly to, because the drive kinda sucks my will to live sometimes.

24. Where do you live now?
An hour and a half from NYC

25. What song will always remind you of 2008?
don't really think there is one....

Monday, January 5, 2009


Why do I even have this page.

I am so uninteresting. That isn't going to change anytime soon, either.

It is 5 am, and I should probably GO TO SLEEP already! ( I had to work the overnight shift three nights in a row...the last night because the guy who was scheduled got sick.) THEN I have to work it again tomorrow. Then I have two days off, only to have to work the overnight AGAIN. Ugh. Hopefully a couple more weeks of this and I will be done with this fucked up schedule.

So, maybe it is the screwed up sleep schedule and patterns, maybe it is the constant worry about money, maybe it is because I keep thinking of a conversation I need to have with my boss and how best to approach it, but I am kind of in a mood, and wonder why the hell I even have this blog.

But then again, maybe I just answered my own question...

Friday, January 2, 2009

I stole this.

So, I just got home from work. It seems weird to get ready for bed at 8:15 am.

It wasn't too bad though, except for the dude that kept bitching about every little sound he heard. Dude, their are other people here. Calm the fuck down. Seriously, it is a hotel, asshat. the ones that kill me are the ones who say "Don't put anyone in any rooms anywhere near me." I always want to say "Fine....if you want to pay for all those other rooms as well."

But enough bitching.

On to what I stole, because I am lacking sleep, and therefore not feeling creative.

1. When did you last use your cellular telephone as a flashlight?
Um, I do that pretty much all the time.

2. On a scale from 1-10, how comfy are you being naked?
Um, it depends on who is going to see! I would be much happier if I lost some chub...I am working on it.

3. What is the longest you've ever been celibate after having lost your virginity?
One year. It sucked. I am not one of those "I have a headache" girls. AT ALL.

4. Have you ever had sex in a car? If yes, since you were a teenager?
Yes, and yes. Seatbelts hurt. Wait, I don't know about a car....truck and SUV, yes.

5. When did you last use food or drink as medication?

Bonus: Name three words that:
a) get you excited: "take tomorrow off" lol
b) make you squirm: p*ssy, and "box" and "eat" when used in a sexual context. GAG
c) make you laugh: "I'll pay tomorrow". (Riiiiiight, you will pay now, or stay somewhere else, fucknut.)